
Information for Parents/Guardians of the Group

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Calendário Escolar

Consulte [AQUI] o calendário escolar 2021/2022.


eCommunity Portal

Portal reserved for Parents and Guardians, where they can consult information about their children.
For access problems please contact the following [EMAIL]


Serviços e Soluções Tecnológicas do AEAAV

Infografia resumo de todas as ferramentas digitais usadas no Agrupamento [AQUI].


Novo Despacho sobre oferta alimentar em meio escolar

Publicado a 17 de agosto, no Diário da República n.º 159/2021, Série II, o Despacho n.º 8127/2021. Consulte [AQUI].


Contingency Plan

Check [HERE] the Contingency Plan for the Group. 


School Plans

Check [HERE] the routes to be taken by your children in the different schools of the Group.


Entrances - student access

Check [HERE] the access for students at the entrances of the Primary and Secondary schools in the Group. 


Access to Schools for Parents 

Information on rules and digital channels to be used [HERE].   


Loading the Electronic Card

SIGE offers online card loading, according to conditions found [HERE].


Purchase of Stationery

Information on the purchase of stationery [HERE