"All things are hard before they become easy".
J. Norley
The Student Support Office aims to provide students with the means for dialogue about:
problems arising from relationships with family, friends, teachers,
doubts about sexuality, drugs, emotional relationships,
conflicts with parents,
life plans, school guidance and
issues of a social nature,
in an atmosphere of openness, availability, trust and confidentiality.
To achieve this, the intention is to offer students a space for dialogue and reflection, which they can spontaneously access, in order to:
contribute to the student's inclusion in the School;
support the harmonious and integral development of the students;
contribute to the development of responsible attitudes;
increase good relationships between students and the other elements of the educational community / promote a good school climate;
promote education for citizenship, values and healthy habits.
Areas of intervention for the GAA are:
Self-esteem and motivation;
Sex education/sexuality;
Bullying and violence;
Behavioural problems (discipline issues);
Dropping out of school;
Academic failure.
Referrals may be made by completing the Referral Form.
The GAA is composed of a coordinating teacher (Prof. Ângela Moreira) and a team of teachers.
The coordinating teacher of the GAA is responsible for the coordination of the team and for liaison and coordination with other structures of educational guidance (namely, the class directors, the Management, SPO, ...) and with institutions outside the school (Health Centre, ...).
The coordinating teacher will make an annual report, which will include, among other items, the number of monitored situations, as well as the effectiveness of the solutions found.
Opening hours
The Office will operate during school activities, according to the following timetables:
SJL Timetable [HERE]
Primary School Timetable [HERE]
Secondary School Timetable [HERE]